What To Expect Following a Jaw Surgery Complete Guide

What to expect following a jaw surgery

This post will explain What to expect following a jaw surgery. The jaw is not only an important structural component of your face, but it also serves a number of crucial functions. The jaw’s main functions include chewing, speaking, and directing airflow to the mouth. Some jaw abnormalities are accidental, while others are inherited and are passed down from generation to generation. The sufferer’s quality of life may be harmed as a result of these jaw deficiencies.

What To Expect Following a Jaw Surgery Complete Guide

In this article, you can know about What to expect following a jaw surgery here are the details below;

Orthognathic surgery, on the other hand, can completely resolve jaw abnormalities. So, what can you expect following jaw surgery? The following is a list of some of the things to keep an eye out for.

Medication and Pain Management

Pain is an inevitable element of any surgery, and this is true for oral and maxillofacial surgeries as well. Because you will be sedated during the procedure, you will only experience minor discomfort. Local anaesthetic is used for jaw surgery. As a result, you will only feel minor discomfort. You’ll be offered a mild pain medication in the form of a syrup. Also check Foods to avoid and to include that affect clear skin

The majority of the time, codeine is prescribed to be taken according to the doctor’s instructions. Other medications, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-steroids, will be prescribed by your doctor to help with the swelling after surgery. In some circumstances, especially if you have a maxillary osteotomy, the doctor would prescribe nasal decongestants. Antibiotics are used before & after surgery to limit the risk of infection.

Symptoms Following Surgery

Swelling and stiffness are two of the most visible side effects of surgery. After the jaw surgery, there will be noticeable evidence of swelling and bruising for three weeks. Other symptoms that you may encounter shortly after surgery include nausea and blood loss that subsides after an hour. The mass of these symptoms will subside within three to four weeks post surgery. The use of an ice pack and the medication prescribed will help to alleviate these symptoms.

Orthodontic elastics hold the jaw and teeth together tightly, which helps to reduce some of these problems. After the surgery, you’re likely to have a blocked nose with bloody discharge. It’s better if you don’t blow your nose too much in the first week after surgery. For a few months after surgery, you may suffer numbness, which should subside. Following the surgery, you should be on the alert for any crises that require immediate medical attention. Consistent nosebleeds and any signs of infection are medical emergencies. Also check facial masking

Release from the hospital

Despite the fact that jaw alignment surgery is a lengthy treatment, it is quite quick. Unless there are unforeseen complications, jaw surgery usually takes three hours. For one jaw, the discharge time is usually one day. With the completion of double jaw surgery and other treatments, the recuperation time lengthens. It is recommended that you have someone drive you home and stay with you for the first few days after discharge.

The predicted recovery time for both the upper and lower jaw procedures is twelve weeks. This recovery time can be shortened based on the patient’s age and health, with younger people recuperating faster. After you’ve recovered, you might require braces to align your top and bottom teeth and acclimate them to your new jaw position. Although full jaw recovery takes twelve months, you can return to work and school fourteen days after surgery. Faster healing will be aided by factors such as diet, following the doctor’s advice, and getting enough rest.

Nutrition and Diet

Doctors recommend that you eat all of your favourite meals before having jaw surgery. Following surgery, you will be on an all-liquid diet for six weeks. Then you’ll proceed to pureed foods and finally soft foods. During this time of recuperation, it is recommended that you eat and drink healthy meals. The most paramount thing to remember is to avoid chewing on anything until the doctor gives you the okay. The use of tobacco and alcohol is strictly prohibited. Smoking reduces blood flow in the mouth, increases the risk of infection, and lengthens the time it takes to heal.

Oral Hygiene and Care

Patients will brush their teeth gently with a soft brush under the supervision of the nurse a few hours following the jaw surgery. You’ll be given mouthwash and instructed on how to rinse your mouth with lukewarm salt water to assist the stitches dissolve. Elastics will need to be adjusted twice a day for patients who wear them. Oral hygiene is both relaxing and anti-infectious. Every meal should be followed by a thorough and gentle cleaning of the mouth. To reach all parts of the mouth, doctors recommend using a children’s toothbrush and toothpaste.


Physical activity is beneficial because it aids in the healing process and minimises edoema. This does not, however, imply that you should overwork yourself. Exercises that involve contact with the head and neck should be avoided since they can result in significant bleeding. Walking should be preferred over running and weight lifting. You may be required to complete some physiotherapy exercises after your jaw surgery, depending on the procedure. Lip and cheek movements, as well as jaw opening and closing, are among the workouts. Because of their changing position, clicking sounds behind your ear joints are typical. Also check Steps for Skin Care Routine


Jaw procedures can be used to treat a variety of problems, hence the outcomes will vary. Easy chewing and breathing, improvements in speech difficulties, and an improvement in your facial characteristics are just a few of the benefits to look forward to. These enhancements will promote your self-esteem and make it easier for you to communicate with individuals in your social circles.

Jaw reconstruction surgery can be the life-changing event you’ve been waiting for to begin a new chapter in your life. Knowing what to expect after jaw surgery will help you plan for emergencies and improve your self-management skills.

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